« on: September 21, 2014, 01:05:43 pm »
Just letting everyone know that we are doing a FREE, CLUB SPONSORED safety day at RAUSCH on Oct. 25 th. I highly encourage all the newer members to come out and participate . This will begin at 8:00 and we will be going over basic trail safety and winching operations. then we will take a lunch break, FREE from the club: Subs, chips and soda ; D then we will hit the trails to practice our new found skills

We as a club feel that this is a very important aspect to show that as" responsible off highway drivers" we can show a positive reflection of personal in the community. Please sign up as soon as you can so that we can coordinate everything.
Thanks Everyone

2008 jk 35" bfg's, 4'lift, disco's, diff covers, 4:88's, limited slip front and rear, cold air intake, "cherry bomb" catback exhuast, Hypertec max programmer, bushwaker flares, stainless steel bumpers and nerf bars,coverking seat covers, cb
2007 liberty daughters daily driver.