Author Topic: Hatfield-McCoy OHV/ORV Shared Access Regional Recreation Areas (Ivy City Branch)  (Read 6986 times)


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Hatfield-McCoy OHV/ORV Shared Access Regional Recreation Areas (Ivy City Branch)

Good News for a change!

Hey Guy’s, here is the New Statutes for WV Hatfield-McCoy OHV/ORV Shared Access Regional Recreation Areas I would suggest that you read through them and get familiar with them before you make a trek there. What you are looking at is the following filing that goes into effect July 8th 2013:

204CSR1:   Title 204 Legislative Rule Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Area
 §204-1-2.      Definitions.
 §204-1-2.17      “ORV” or “off road vehicle”
 § 204-1-3.      General Rules Governing Public Use of the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area.
 § 204-1-3.2.      Subject to restrictions of particular trail widths as designated………
 § 204-1-3.3.      It is unlawful and a violation………
 § 204-1-3.4.      
 § 204-1-3.5.      
 § 204-1-3.6.      
 § 204-1-3.7.      
 § 204-1-3.8.      
 § 204-1-3.9.      
 § 204-1-3.11.      
 § 204-1-3.12.      
 § 204-1-3.14.      
 § 204-1-3.15.      
 § 204-1-3.20.   
 § 204-1-3.21.      
 § 204-1-3.24.   
 § 204-1-4.      Drivers and Passengers.
 § 204-1-4.2.      
 § 204-1-4.3.      
 § 204-1-4.4.      
 § 204-1-4.5.      
 § 204-1-4.9.      
 § 204-1-4.11.      
 § 204-1-4.12.      
 § 204-1-4.13.
 § 204-1-5.      Equipment Requirements.
 § 204-1-5.2.      
 § 204-1-5.3.      
 § 204-1-5.4.      
 § 204-1-5.5.      
 § 204-1-5.7.      
 § 204-1-5.8.      
 § 204-1-6.      User Permits and Identification.
 § 204-1-6.*.      in part and in whole  § 204-1-6..      
 § 204-1-7.      Revocation of User Permit.
 § 204-1-7.*.      in part and in whole  § 204-1-7..      
 § 204-1-8.      Special Utilization Licenses.
 § 204-1-8.*.      in part and in whole  § 204-1-8..
 § 204-1-9.      Review, Hearing, and Appeal.
 § 204-1-9.*.      in part and in whole  § 204-1-9..
 § 204-1-10.      Enforcement of Rules Governing Public Use of the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area
 § 204-1-10.*.      in part and in whole  § 204-1-10..

Now you may do a comparison with the 2013 to the last Filing of 2010.
Well now that you have done a comparison of the fore stated § (the noted Sub-Section identify those § that now include ORV’s that were precluded prior to this filing) any mention of an ORV (both licensed and/or non- licensed) would be what we wheel and is now all inclusive in the 2013 Filing which was not present in the 2010 and prior Filings…………



Here is the Hatfield-McCoy Trails Web Site, please note that the web sit has note been updated too reflect the use of Off Road Vehicles (ORVs, both Licensed and Non-Licensed ), and the Ivy City Branch Images has note been added to the Maps Section either. So please bear with them since it will not be implemented until July 8th 2013………..

Go as slow as possible, and as quickly as necessitated…………