Author Topic: News from UFWD  (Read 9226 times)


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News from UFWD
« on: November 26, 2012, 10:22:32 pm »
Johnson Valley, a popular OHV area in California, is at risk. The Marine Corps is trying to expand the 29 Palms facility and take over most of the OHV area for training exercises. The Marines would only need the extra space(147,000 acres) for less than 30 days a year. They plan to use the area for live-fire training, as a result, the area will be forever closed to OHV recreation.

An amendment to the Defense Authorization bill that passed the full House would require the Marines to identify the impact closing the area would have on OHV recreation and the local economy. The amendment requires the Marines to examine using the Johnson Valley area in ways that would not permanently lock out OHV access, and the potential of using other nearby public lands instead of Johnson Valley. This amendment only asks the Marines to consider other options.

The US Senate is to act on the Defense Authorization bill soon. Contact your 2 US Senators urging them to support the Johnson Valley amendment in the Senate bill.

While the area is in California, your US Senators will play a role in deciding the future of OHV recreation in Johnson Valley. Make your voice heard to protect access. Tomorrow it may be 4WD access in your state that is being threatened.

It is particularly important that you contact your Senator if listed below as this is the Senate Armed Services Committee involved in this issue specifically.

Levin, Carl (MI) , Chairman
Lieberman, Joseph I. (CT)
Reed, Jack (RI)
Akaka, Daniel K. (HI)
Nelson, Ben (NE)
Webb, Jim (VA)
McCaskill, Claire (MO)
Udall, Mark (CO)
Hagan, Kay R. (NC)
Begich, Mark (AK)
Manchin, Joe (WV)
Shaheen, Jeanne (NH)
Gillibrand, Kirsten E. (NY)
Blumenthal, Richard (CT)
McCain, John (AZ), Ranking Member
Inhofe, James M. (OK)
Sessions, Jeff (AL)
Chambliss, Saxby (GA)
Wicker, Roger F. (MS)
Brown, Scott P. (MA)
Portman, Rob (OH)
Ayotte, Kelly (NH)
Collins, Susan M. (ME)
Graham, Lindsey (SC)
Cornyn, John (TX)
Vitter, David (LA)

Keep up on important Land Use issues by joining the Land Use email list at
"Trail Boss" Jenn Watson
89 V8 Yj, some lift, some tires and some extras!
96 Cherokee Sport (Daves beater)
1947 CJ2-A

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly,Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile


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Re: News from UFWD
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2012, 11:34:44 am »
Press Release



Albuquerque, New Mexico - December 11th, 2012 -  The New Mexico Off Highway Vehicle Alliance (NMOHVA) filed a lawsuit against the Santa Fe National Forest in federal district court on December 11th. The lawsuit contests the Forest's Travel Management decision signed by Forest Supervisor Maria T. Garcia on June 12th and upheld by the USFS Region 3 on October 2nd.


"NMOHVA filed this lawsuit on the behalf of our members but it really is for everyone who uses a vehicle in the forest," said NMOHVA President Jim Tyldesley. "Most of the public has no idea that this decision closed over 70% of the existing roads and trails, reduced vehicle camping nearly 95%, and virtually eliminated hunters being able to use a vehicle to retrieve game. People will be stunned next spring when they find out all of Forest Road 376 in the Jemez is closed to vehicle camping. It was the most popular camping area in the whole forest."


NMOHVA contends the decision and environmental impact statement are illegal because they violate NEPA requirements for analysis and proper science. "The studies from the agency's own scientists concluded that decades of motorized use have not had significant impacts on the land or animals. But the environmental analysis ignored those facts," said Joanne Spivack, NMOHVA Special Projects Coordinator. "They ignored our comments which identified these errors in the EIS and rejected our formal appeal. This lawsuit is the only option left. NEPA is not just a minor inconvenience the agency can evade."


"The Forest Service is breaking its own rules and the federal laws requiring them to make informed, objective decisions," said NMOHVA President Jim Tyldesley. "We are New Mexicans supporting New Mexicans. We promote responsible recreation. NMOHVA is working to preserve access to the forests so our kids and grandkids can enjoy them. The Forest Service misled the public about Travel Management, claiming it was to 'manage' motor vehicles. This is not management; it's a wholesale lock-out."


"We have been trying to work with the Santa Fe National Forest since 2005 and they have essentially ignored us," concluded Spivack. "Simply put, enough is enough.   The place to make a stand is here. The time to fight is now!"


For more information, please contact NMOHVA at 505-238-5493 or 505-321-3155.

About the New Mexico Off Highway Vehicle Alliance

NMOHVA is a statewide nonprofit alliance of motorized off-highway vehicle enthusiasts and organizations.  Our mission is promoting, protecting, and preserving responsible OHV recreation through education, safety training, and responsible land use ethics.  We cooperate with public and private interests to protect and preserve public land access and work to ensure a positive future for OHV recreation in New Mexico.


Visit us at or on Facebook.
"Trail Boss" Jenn Watson
89 V8 Yj, some lift, some tires and some extras!
96 Cherokee Sport (Daves beater)
1947 CJ2-A

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly,Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile


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Re: News from UFWD
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2013, 02:02:46 pm »
The Michigan DNR is asking the public to review the draft Michigan Comprehensive Trails Plan – available at – and give feedback on any aspect of the plan by completing the survey by Jan. 25

Complete this online survey at

The Michigan Snowmobile and Trails Advisory Council (MSTAC) is charged with the responsibility to review and recommend a trail plan for the state. The origin of this draft plan is Public Act 45 of 2010, which stated the DNR and MSTAC work together to establish such a plan for a statewide trail network.
The plan will result in guiding the DNR and the MSTAC toward establishing Michigan as the nation’s Trail State. When finalized and implemented, this plan will create a trail system that:
• Is sufficient in quantity and quality and takes into account the full spectrum of trail users;
• Has sustainable funding resources for proper maintenance of existing trails, as well as for expansion to meet user and community needs;
• Makes every home in the state a trailhead, because the network provides close-to-home opportunities for transportation, healthful exercise, recreation and an enhanced sense of place; and
• Provides connections to parks, urban centers and cultural and conservation areas.
One of the plan’s key aspects is recognizing that successful trail planning and implementation should be coordinated among all levels of government: local, regional and state. Additionally, the DNR and MSTAC seek to effectively integrate the development, maintenance and promotion of a statewide trail network through units of government, the private sector and nonprofit organizations.
Currently, Michigan’s trail system includes:
• 6,407 miles of snowmobile trails;
• 3,627 miles of ORV trails;
• 2,623 miles of rail-trails – the most in the nation;
• 560 miles of forest looped trails;
• 900 miles of state park trails; and
• 590 miles of designated equestrian trails (including the 300-mile Shore to Shore Riding Trail).
"Trail Boss" Jenn Watson
89 V8 Yj, some lift, some tires and some extras!
96 Cherokee Sport (Daves beater)
1947 CJ2-A

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly,Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile


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Re: News from UFWD
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2013, 02:03:32 pm »
CALIFORNIA -Sierra NF Announces Upcoming Public Meetings

In February 2012, USDA Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell selected the Sierra National Forest (SNF) as one of the first national forests to revise its Forest Plan using the new Forest Service planning rule. Since that time SNF has started work on a Forest Assessment designed to gather existing relevant information on current forest conditions and trends, to evaluate their sustainability, and to identify the need to change the existing plan by the end of 2013. SNF has also developed a Collaboration and Communication Plan to provide clear implementable guidance for Forest staff to involve the interested public, California Native American Tribes, public agencies and elected officials in the Forest Plan revision process.

SNF is now prepared to initiate public participation in the Forest Plan revision process. SNF has scheduled two general public meetings (one in-person in Fresno, and one online webinar), and one technical meeting. The goals of the meetings include: to review the plan revision process and associated collaboration and communication methods; to solicit feedback on the characterization of current conditions and key references; and to solicit input on the identification of locally-specific trends and drivers of forest change. The technical meeting will cover the same material as the general public meetings, the only difference being that it will be geared towards people who want to provide detailed feedback and input on specific scientific and technical concerns. Detailed logistical information for each meeting is provided below.

Logistical information for the three public participation meetings follows.

1. General Public In-Person Meeting
Date: Saturday, February 9, 2013
Time: 1 pm to 4 pm
Location: Holiday Inn - Fresno Airport, Fresno, CA
Please RSVP by Friday, February 1, to Veronica Garcia, (559) 297-0706 extension 4966.

2. General Public Online Webinar Meeting
Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Time: 9 am to 12 pm
Location: No in-person option, webinar only
Webinar Registration Link:

Instructions: The webinar will use the free Microsoft Office Live Meeting service. Click on the registration link and only enter the following Meeting ID: GZ77N2 and click the "Join" button. Once you enter your first and last name you will have access to the webinar.

3. Technical In-Person/Webinar Meeting
Date: Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Time: 10 am to 2:30 pm
Location: Sierra National Forest Supervisor's Office, 1600 Tollhouse Road, Clovis, CA
Webinar Registration Link:

Instructions: The webinar will use the free Microsoft Office Live Meeting service. Click on the registration link and only enter the following Meeting ID: HSS2PD and click the "Join" button. Once you enter your first and last name you will have access to the webinar.
Webinar Participation Disclaimer: Note that people participating via webinar may find it difficult to actively participate in discussions given physical acoustics and a potentially large number of in-person participants; everybody is encouraged to attend in person whenever possible.
Please RSVP by Friday, February 1, to Veronica Garcia, (559) 297-0706 extension 4966.

Please contact Rebecca Garcia, SNF Public Affairs Officer, at (559) 297-0706 extension 4804.
"Trail Boss" Jenn Watson
89 V8 Yj, some lift, some tires and some extras!
96 Cherokee Sport (Daves beater)
1947 CJ2-A

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly,Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile


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Re: News from UFWD
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2013, 02:08:16 pm »
Save the Johnson Valley OHV Area. Be fiscally responsible. Stop 29 Palms Marine base expansion. Keep public lands open.
With utmost respect for our nation’s military and national defense, we request our government deny any request by the US Marines to acquire 140K acres of public land designated for OHV use in Johnson Valley, CA for the purpose of expanding the 29 Palms Marine base. Expanding the world’s largest Marine base will cost tax payers millions and the Marines have publicly stated the land is only needed 2 months a year. Economic reports show neighboring communities and small businesses could lose $100 Million annually due to base expansion. The Marines current expansion plan is unnecessary and fiscally irresponsible. We request our government encourage the Marines to work with the public and obtain permits from the BLM to meet training objectives instead of closing this land to the public forever.

Created: Jan 15, 2013
Issues: Defense, Economy, Environment
"Trail Boss" Jenn Watson
89 V8 Yj, some lift, some tires and some extras!
96 Cherokee Sport (Daves beater)
1947 CJ2-A

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly,Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile


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Re: News from UFWD
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2013, 02:12:45 pm »
COLORADO: The Grand Junction BLM Offices Resource Management plan has been released for review.

The Grand Junction BLM Office released its draft resource management plan for public comment today. This covers many areas that are heavily used by the motorized community. If there is an area you use or like, now is the time to let the BLM know your concerns about access to the area.

Link to Website with plan and related documents

Travel Management Maps are located here

A summary of the Plan is located here

Upcoming informational meetings

Stop by the open houses for CD copies of the plan, to provide written comment, or to have your questions answered. Stop by anytime between 4:30-7:30 p.m. at the following locations:

January 29 - Collbran Auditorium, 102 Main St., Collbran, CO
January 30 - DeBeque Community Center, 381 Minter Ave., DeBeque, CO
January 31 - Clarion Inn, 755 Horizon Dr., Grand Junction, CO
February 5 - Gateway Community Center, 42700 Hwy 141, Gateway, CO
February 7 - Fruita Civic Center, 325 Aspen Ave, Fruita, CO

Comment Deadline
On or before April 25, 2013

Who to contact
Mail to: Electronically send to:
2815 H Road
Grand Junction, CO, 81506
"Trail Boss" Jenn Watson
89 V8 Yj, some lift, some tires and some extras!
96 Cherokee Sport (Daves beater)
1947 CJ2-A

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly,Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile