Author Topic: ******* Quadratec WARNING ********  (Read 7634 times)


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******* Quadratec WARNING ********
« on: February 20, 2012, 06:22:38 pm »
Is anyone aware that Quadratec only give the club members a discount on some things not all and that they also charge shipping even if you pick it up at there , I was going to order tires the price was $ 305. In the New 2012 catolog when I called the price was $ 311. Ok they said they would give me it for the catolog price , fine then he tells me that we don't get a discount on tires and the best part the shipping is $ 160. , Ok , I don't want them shipped I will pick them up I work down that way , he tells me I still have to pay shipping to have them shipped to them because they don't stock tires , I told him thats your operating cost not mine your selling them for $ 311. But I can't pay that there's a $ 40. Per tire shipping even for pick up so why do you advertise a BS price when you can't buy them for that , He don't know then I have to pay 6% sales tax brings the advertised tire of $ 305. To $ 372.06 each for pick up  
I will Never buy from Quadratec
I bought them from National Tire & Wheel for $ 316. Each delivered to MY door for FREE no Tax ;D


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Re: ******* Quadratec WARNING ********
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 07:53:00 pm »
are you a paid pajeeps member or forum member. just asking
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Re: ******* Quadratec WARNING ********
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2012, 01:01:29 am »
Glad to read you received your tires at a price to your liking.

Our "paying" Club member discount programs make available the merchandise that is not included.
We are aware that tires are excluded from this program...I guess you didn't know that. If you had it would have kept you from becoming so upset.

I am glad you did make a purchase that met your personal needs..."Keep the rubber side down!"

You need not extend a "WARNING" to our Club members about Quadratec who has taken very good care of our 114+ members for well over 10 years with any of our purchases.
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