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Safety Behind the Wheel


Safety Behind the Wheel

Every year more than 40,000 people are killed and more than 3 million people are injured in motor
vehicle crashes. Crashes are the leading cause of injury and death for all people between the ages of 3
and 33.
There are simple steps that can be taken to reduce your likelihood of getting into a motor vehicle crash.
�� Drive defensively
�� Never talk or text on a cell phone while driving
�� Follow posted speed limits

National Safety Council (NSC) offers driver improvement courses for adults and teens.
(Info. From NSC website 2/18/10)  Courtesy of S. Breeden

and two that really need attention out there.

if your wipers are on your lights need to be on.   the real ones not the safety ones where only your front lights come on, if your not sure what you have turn them on, get out, and look.

and that little blinky light on either side of the dash is not disfunctional, it should flash like that and be used depending on which way you are GOING to turn.   

just my peev.


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