Bantam and Ford NEVER sold Jeeps as the question states!

Bantam's prototype was the BRC and was never mass produced. Ford's vehicle, the GPW (General Purpose Willys) was mass produced for the military, based on Willys blueprints, since Willys couldn't build them fast enough.
Willys Overland Corporation was the first to actually sell a "JEEP" after WW2, when it officially trademarked the name.
Bantam made trailers for use behind Willys and Ford 1/4 ton vehicles in WW2. Bantam was also pretty "pissed" that Willys Overland trademarked the "Jeep" name after the war, since the Bantam Recon. Car (BRC) was the 1st prototype to be tested by Uncle Sam. The Ford prototypes initially used engines from their 9N tractors, and failed the tests due to overheating and break-downs, amongst other things...
Okay, I'm done for now...