PA Jeeps Membership / Membership Information
« on: December 07, 2006, 02:23:00 am »This thread is a "READ ONLY" post for informational purposes ONLY...!
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Here are Several Benefits of Becoming a Member of the PA Jeeps "Family" for Those Interested
[/u][/size]Who Are We?
[/i][/color][/size]PA Jeeps Inc. is a local, non-profit, educational organization which strives to protect everyone’s right to use public lands, not only for safe off-highway driving but also for hiking, horseback riding, camping, etc.
We were established in July of 1992 by a small group of friends. Today, our “friends” have exceeded the 115 mark and we are continually growing. We are funded by membership dues, fund raising events and contributions. We are governed by a Board of Directors, which serves without compensation, and a staff of Officers.
We offer everything from family-oriented trail rides to show-and-shine type of events. We have something for everyone.
Benefits of PA Jeeps Membership......
[/size][/color]1- Membership within MAFWDA and UFWDA
2- Monthly Trail Rides / Events
3- Opportunity to meet some GREAT fellow Jeep enthusiasts
4- Opportunity to participate in (6) Club Sponsored Events (Approx. value = $150.00)
5- Trail Cutting trips to Rausch Creek (Full of laughs-Working to build our playgrounds bigger and better for future use)
6- Be involved in the Largest Jeep Exclusive Event on the east coast
7- Monthly Club Meetings held on the second Sunday of every month.
8- Membership within PA Jeeps is what YOU make of it
9- PA Jeeps & MAFWDA Memberships hold "high" status for Camp Jeep Trail Guide selection.
(These are ONLY several reasons to becoming a member, WE are certain you will gain MORE benefits personally than what is listed)
OK, so we've given you the basic information. If "Club Membership" is something you are interested in please go to the "home" page for a Membership Form and join the rest of us in our Jeep Excursions.