Regional Issues / Re: WPA-4XTRAC needs help to get Rock Run 4x4 trails opened!
« on: July 30, 2008, 09:29:51 pm »
this is the park where I have been riding my Polaris since it opened. My "home town" is less than 15 minutes away from there so it is a real cheap weekend for me to go there,no hotel expenses lol. I have always asked the owners since day one about the OHV option at the park and they were very receptive to it but at the time they wanted to give the ATV,s a chance to see what would happen.I am planning on going to the park at the end of this month and I will be in touch with the other clubs and the owners to express the intrest once again of the central Pa community. If anyone would like to go to the park anytime let me know and I would be glad to get ya to the site with no problem and maybe a tour also,it takes approx. 2.5 hours to get there from they York area.