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Topics - canman35

Pages: [1]
Safety / On & Off The Trail / First aid class
« on: November 06, 2015, 12:56:26 pm »
I'm not sure why my previous post is NOT on here from last week but anyways ..... I am conducting a " non certified " CPR / first aid class following this months meeting .. We will go over everyday emergencies that happen on the trail and at home . The LENGH of the clas will depend on class participation ... I'm thinking 2 hours or so .... Thanks , see you all SUNDAY !!!!

Monthly Meetings / Information / First aid class
« on: November 06, 2015, 12:52:35 pm »
Just a reminder that I am having a first aid / CPR" non certified" class following our monthly meeting in November, the total length of the class will depend on the class participation .. I anticipate it will last less than 2 hours .. Please plan on attending as we will discuss both OFF highway and at HOME emergencies .... Thanks !!

PA Jeeps Club Events / Club SPONSERED safety day at RAUSCH
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:28:43 pm »
We are having a CLUB SPONSERED SAFETY CLASS at Rausch creek on Saturday May 16 th. I would like to start the class at 9:00 , we will be goin over trail safety , driving skills, medical emergency on the trails and also demonstrating winching and high lift operations. This is a very informal class geared to new members of the club and BUT OUR VETERAN MEMBERS are encouraged to attend to offer THIER INSIGHT on the off road adventures that they have been involved with.... The club will provide a light lunch . After lunch we will hit the trails to enjoy some wheelin :) please post up so I can get a head count ... THANKS BOB

First Aid Information / CPR class
« on: March 17, 2015, 02:11:05 pm »
CPR/ first aid class to be held right after the conclusion of Aprils club meeting on Sunday April 12 th. Hope to see as many people attend as possible , thanks Bob :)

PA Jeeps Club Events / SAFETY CLASS AT RAUSCH "free day"club sponsored
« on: October 18, 2014, 12:10:23 pm »
I am posting this to attract more attention the CLUB SPONSORED SAFETY DAY at Rausch creek this Saturday the 25 th. We will be going over general trail safety tips and advice on winching and recovery of vehicles. Also first aid trail practices.... EI cuts ,sprains ,broken bones, ..... stuff that will help you in the middle of the woods till at least professional personnel arrive, will be covered The class will start at 8:30 and go till approx. 11:30 then we all will enjoy a CLUB sponsored lunch  :) After lunch we will hit the trails , once again CLUB PAID FOR , and enjoy our afternoon on the trails  :D Please post up on here OR on the safety thread if you are planning on attending or if you have ANY questions ..

Safety / On & Off The Trail / TRAIL FIRST AID CLASS
« on: October 03, 2014, 03:37:26 pm »
Since I had to reschedule the CPR class for OCT. I would really like to conduct a hands on first aid class to better prepare our club members and their families to deal with "common" first aid situations that can arise wile out enjoying our sport . It will go over cuts, strains, sprains , bee/ insect stings and broken bones. This will be a non certified class and more of a what NOT TO DO informative class.

Safety / On & Off The Trail / SAFETY CLASS at RC
« on: September 21, 2014, 01:05:43 pm »
Just letting everyone know that we are doing a FREE, CLUB SPONSORED safety day at RAUSCH on Oct. 25 th. I highly encourage all the newer members to come out and participate . This will begin at 8:00 and we will be going over basic trail safety and winching operations. then we will take a lunch break, FREE from the club: Subs, chips and soda ; D then we will hit the trails to practice our new found skills :)  We as a club feel that this is a very important aspect to show that as" responsible off highway drivers" we can show a positive reflection of personal in the community. Please sign up as soon as you can so that we can coordinate everything.
                                                                             Thanks Everyone


Safety / On & Off The Trail / CPR training CLASS
« on: August 10, 2014, 09:51:38 am »
I am setting up a certified CPR class to be taught directly following the OCT 12 th club meeting. If you would like to attend this class to be certified please reply so I can get an idea of how many would be interested. The class will start at approx. 1:00 and finish around 4:30. I am encouraging everyone to attend because you just never know when this VITAL training might be needed...... 

Safety / On & Off The Trail / Home fire safety
« on: November 24, 2013, 07:59:04 pm »
Well it seems the past few days since the temps have dropped people have been burning the wood stoves, fire places a lot . Unfortunately a few of them FORGOT basic safety issues while doing it !!!! PLEASE REMEMBER to check/ clean your chimneys PRIOR to firing up these items, to avoid a VERY COSTLY/ POSSIBLY DEADLY  ISSUE. A carbon monoxide detector and a good smoke detector are invaluable, if anyone has any questions on these PLEASE ASK, I will offer the best advise that I can to you :)) also once you have burnt the logs please place the the ash in a METAL CONTAINER THAT HAS A LID FAR AWAY from any COMBUSTABLE MATERIALS !!!!!  CARDBOARD BOXES ARE NOT SUITABLE TO STORE ASH IN !!!!!! Believe it or not I have seen it done :((((((

Safety / On & Off The Trail / Safety class at RC
« on: September 23, 2013, 08:28:53 pm »
I am sorry to say that the class at Rausch that I was going to do this Saturday will have to be postponed , I have a mandatory work day that I got "volunteered " for :((((((((((((( I will try to schedule another one soon, thanks. Bob

Safety / On & Off The Trail / Safety class at R.C.
« on: May 10, 2013, 04:57:05 pm »
There will be another club safety class on the 18 th of May . Updates and info are already listed under the club events section now. I just wanted to put this in this section to catch your eyes under the "safety topics" please feel free to ask questions or post up responses here also, thanks everyone for your support  :)

Safety / On & Off The Trail / Safety Class at rausch creek
« on: September 15, 2012, 11:07:45 am »
We are going to be holding a trail safety class on Sept 30 th at Rausch Creek. I would like to start the class on site at 9:00 and it would take approx 3 hours.Then afterwards we will be going out on the property to wheel and go over things that we talked about in class. The overall concept of this class is to give those individuals,both new and seasoned wheelers,a better understanding of getting through the day on the trails and doing it safely. Encourage everyone form the "bone stock" jeep to the rock crawlers to attend and share experiences and build new friendships withen our club This class will cover such topics as first aid,winching,trail driving skills and overall how to make wheeling a safe and FUN experience !!!!!! For those of you that are new to our club we meet at the restraunt on interstate 83 at the Strinestown exit for coffee/breakfast and we will be leaving there at 7:45 because it takes approx 1 hour to get to rausch. Please post up on here to give me a understanding of how many people will be attending,if you did sign up at the meeting i would still like you to reply on this post to let me know that you got this info . Thank you all in advance and please feel free to ask any ?????? or concerns

Safety / On & Off The Trail / Safety class
« on: August 03, 2012, 05:06:55 pm »
Hi everyone, i am sorry to say that i have to postpone the class on TRAIL SAFETY AND BASIC FIRST AID  that was scheduled for Aug. 5 th.  :-[  I am working hard on preparing another class to be held SOON !!! Pleae stay tuned for more info and if you are interested in taking such a class PLEASE POST your name and contact info ,cell phone /email , so that we can host an awesome class  ;D 

First Aid Information / CPR AED cards from last class
« on: August 20, 2009, 06:43:34 pm »
I finally got the CPR/AED cards to me, LONG STORY about why it took sooo long. Let me know when/how you want me to get them to you ;D

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