Annual Jeep Show > 14th Annual (2009)

Camera Found

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The person to contact would be Jenn, she is the keeper of the goods and keys. I placed it in a box in the red trailer, within reach from the side door.

It looks to be about a two pounder.

Now I asked everyone who's fire extinguisher that was and I know hillbilly was there! let me know if it yours I will get it to you by next meeting. Or I will buy you a new one and keep that in trailer for the club.

We did have a lost and found box at the show. We returned many keys, cameras and cell phones. Sometimes parents too,  :D.

I also have a pair of wire cutters I believe they were Bob Bracken's, if they are please describe them and I will get them to who ever they are.

Dave found my needle nose pliers from last year in the trailer that was exciting.LOL

yes its mine and i dont remember the asking but tina says i dont listen to her anyway (atleast i think thats what she says)


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