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Driving Fatigue Quick Tips


Submitted by Mr. Breeden

                                              Driving Fatigue Quick Tips

If you are planning a long trip, AAA offers the following tips for avoiding fatigue:

1. Prepare for your trip by getting a good night’s sleep the night before. Plan to drive during the time that you are normally awake and stay overnight rather than traveling straight through.

2. Avoid driving during the body’s “down time”. According to AAA, this is generally in the mid-afternoon and between midnight and 6:00 a.m.

3. If you have passengers, talk to them. It will help to keep you alert, and they will also be able to tell if you are showing signs of getting sleepy.

4. Schedule a break every 2 hours or every 100 miles. Take a nap, stretch, take a walk and get some exercise before resuming your trip. Stop if you feel you are getting sleepy.

“Tricks” that do not work: Opening the window, turning on the air conditioning, or playing loud music are not effective in keeping drivers alert for any extended period of t


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