Safety / First Aid Station > Safety / On & Off The Trail

Childrens Shoes w/Wheels


Shoes That Cruise

A new fad for children is shoes with wheels in the heels, or “Wheelies”. You see them everywhere: in stores, in the mall, on sidewalks and occasionally on you when the kids run into you.
A growing trend with these wheeled shoes is injuries related to falls when the user gets out of control and crashes.
Hospitals and pediatricians are reporting increased numbers of children suffering injuries such as ankle, leg and wrist fractures, sprains and bruises, and in some cases serious head injuries. If you buy these shoes for your children remind them that the hazards of these shoes are similar to skateboards or scooters. Children should wear wrist, knee and head protection. They should also practice using the shoes in a protected, flat area to get use to them before going outside. The shoes should never be used in the street or on steep hills, where the child can lose control quickly and crash. Children should also be taught to not use the shoes in pubic areas, particularly where elderly people are present and could be startled by a child hurtling by them.
Like all child safety issues, a balance of fun and safety sense is needed. Help them practice basic safety awareness – it will last a lifetime, and help them live a long and injury-free life.

Submitted By Mr. Breeden


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